요구, isu 서명운동, 피겨 서명운동
퍼왔지만 다들 어서 보세요!!
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24시간 내에 항의해야하는데 시간이 얼마 남지 않았어요!!
항의 방법 :
First name : 이름
* Last name : 성
Company : none 또는 회사
Telephone : 필수X
* Topic : Figure Skating
* Captcha : 띄어쓰기 상관없이 보이는 문자 입력
* Message :
We are very disappointed of your decision.
Is the spirit of Olympic gone? We saw two skaters performance directly with our own eyes, and the decision in our opinion wasn't quite fair.
In the women's single free skating, Adelina Sotnikova landed on two foot and her jump was unstable. On the other hand, Yuna Kim's performance was perfect.
Nevertheless, Adelina Sotnikova won the gold medal, and Yuna Kim won the silver.
This is not acceptable, judges weren't very impartial. Their behavior was inappropriate for the spirit of the Olympic games.
We kindly ask for reconsider for the judgement, or award gold medal for Yuna also, please.
Adelina Sotnikova did great on her performance, but the Queen doesn't change.
We believe in the true spirit of Olympic.
Thank you.
Hi I'm one of the person of Koreans. I really hope you to reconsider 2014 Sochi Women's figure skating judgement. I think both Yuna Kim and the russian player must get gold medal together just like Salt lake city 2002. In salt lake city game, the russian and canadian player got gold medals together. I think most of you guys know that. So please reconsider your judgement. If you don't, 2014 Sochi Olympic game will be the worst game ever first and last in the world and IOC's credibility must fall down. Many people and I believe IOC will make a correct and objective judgement. Thanks for reading.
Disagree the result of figure skating-It's homecooking! I'm korean. I want to agree the result of the great olympic, but I can't. It's absolutely biased judgement. Referees overgave additional points to European players, especially Russian even if she made a mistake in her jump. If ioc connive at this unfair result, Koreans will frustrate the loss of sportsmanship in the great olympic
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